These are all of the possible shine movements (that I can think of - or find from Internet resources for. ☺ )
- Step
- Rock Step
- Ball Change
- Tap/Dig
- Kick
- Swing
- Flick (That tango Move - it has a real name I just forget it)
- Slide/Drag
- Twist (Heel/Toe Pivot)
- Rondé/Fan/Brush
- Stomp
- Hop
- Chug (With weight on both feet, bend the knees and then straighten sharply, causing the feet to slide back.)
- Jeté (Lightly spring off one foot and land on the other.)
- Skip (Step then Lightly spring off and land on the same foot.)
- Spot Turn
- Pivot/Châiné Turn (Traveling Turn)
- Spin
- Spiral (Spin/Turn opposite to the weighted foot - left on right foot, right on left foot)
- Hook Turn?
- Lock (Cross the free foot in front of or behind the supporting foot.)
- Freeze
- Lunge
Of course you realize that these are just categories, not moves. They also only (mostly) pertain to the feet and not the arms or the body. Each one of these has countless variations and when you combine these movements together or with their variations you end up with endless variety. Throw in body styling, arm styling, hand styling, leg styling, foot styling, head styling, etc. and you end up with a nearly infinite variety of moves. But they all have as their base these 20 something movements.
If you are creating a choreography and get stuck, perhaps reviewing this list can inspire something new.
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